Farm Animal Welfare goals: how are you doing?

Benchmark for farm animal welfare
Ever seen the Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare? Find it here or with the link below
Animal welfare goals
The BBFAW is the global measure of farm animal welfare management, policy commitment, performance and disclosure in food companies. The organization has four goals:
- To drive transparency in the largest food companies worldwide
- To provide investors/stakeholders with reliable and credible information on animal welfare risks and opportunities presented by food companies
- To provide – over time – a measure of how companies are improving the welfare outcomes for animals in their global supply chains
- To provide a framework for food businesses to improve their management and performance on farm animal welfare
Work to be done
It’s interesting to see how different corporations perform on animal welfare. And a bit alarming, to be honest. There is still so much work to be done…
We believe that everyone involved in the production of dairy, whether they’re a big multinational or a small family farm owner, has the opportunity and the responsibility to work on animal welfare. Not only is this better for the animal, it’s better for the company as well: because care = money.
Take better care of cows, and they reward you with a great milk yield for many lactations. Don’t take care of cows, and you’ll be forced to cull them within 3 years because of health problems and low profitability. It’s a waste of time, money and resources.
Did you know that two extra lactations are possible if you break through tunnel vision and prevent disease? This also leads to 30% less greenhouse gases!
Are you a leader?
So how is your company doing? Are you on the leadership board, or is there still work to be done?
If it’s the second: it’s never too early (or too late) to start making improvements and help yourself.
And if you are up for it, let’s cooperate. We help companies to show that they really care for cows.
Training in subjects like CowSignals®, YoungstockSignals® and Stress-free stockmanship are making a big difference worldwide already: we teach people to look, think, act, and get the basics right. That is how we contribute to more animal welfare, health, and sustainability.
We can help you to reach your goals, so that we can reach our goal: happy cows, happy farmers, and a happy planet.
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